Saturday, July 11, 2009

Asides - Summer Means Beachwear.

Yes it's summer, and whether you are at the beach, by the pool, or on a yacht or boat, it pays to be fashion forward, even if forward is 1931 or so. This week's post takes a look at how the fashionable actresses of the day were attired when near water.

A special notice, this particular post is ad supported, so please look at the ads at the bottom of the post, and if you are so inclined, try their product.

Remember, wear plenty of sun screen and click on the images for a larger view.

First, a little look back. These Mack Sennett bathing beauties predate most of the actresses featured in this post, but they look like they are having a grand time. I guess working for Sennett was a bit of a blast.

This two page spread features Anita Page and Robert Young cavorting on the beach, but also points out how you should look when arriving. This pictorial is from the July 1932 edition of Movie Mirror magazine.

The volume II, number 2, 1931 edition of The New Movie magazine gives us Dorothy Jordan ready to cast anchor in proper yachting attire.

This craft may or may not actually get airborne, but Raquel Torres is ready if it has to make a Captain "Sully" Sullenberger type landing.

Poolside with Betty Compson.

You can't be near water all summer, so we wrap up with Anita once again, this time modeling day to day summer wear in the June, 1931 edition of The New Movie magazine.

And now our sponsors for this post.

Sure, you may be going to the beach, but did you brush properly first? No doubt you will be discussing oral hygiene just prior to a dip in the ocean, so make sure that discussion includes Listerine Tooth Paste, available at fine 5 and 10 cent stores across the country.

Reading on the beach or in the boudoir is never more exciting than when reading the latest copy of Love Story magazine, the publication that for just 15 cents brings you the passion, love, heartbreak and thrills that make you keep turning the pages week after week. Pick up a copy today.


Vanwall said...

Hell, Raquel is gonna have a "Sully" landing in that old seaplane whether she likes it or not.

Lolita of the Classics said...

The Love Story Magazine looks enthrilling! Haha. Lovely post - and I love the bathing beauties!

{Tara} said...

Fantastic post!! Beachwear was so much more glamorous then!